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Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 29, 2018  | 

We have some photographer friends, who shall remain nameless, who suffer from WAA syndrome. Never heard of it? Well, WAA stands for Wide Angle Abuse.

Henry Anderson  |  Feb 23, 2022  | 

You know the expression: "wisdom comes from experience"? That certainly applies to photography particularly when shooting landscapes, as landscape pro Mark Denney explains in the below tutorial.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 24, 2024  | 

The goal of this six-minute quickie from instructor Mark Dumbleton is one that just about everyone should appreciate: "I'm sharing seven Lightroom tips that will instantly save you time and increase your productivity."

Dan Havlik  |  Feb 05, 2020  | 

There's nothing better than a dramatic black-and-white street photography image. Getting a classic B&W street shot can be a challenge though.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 16, 2017  | 

A short time ago we featured some helpful advice from Nigel Danson on preparing yourself and your gear for capturing spectacular images during the beautiful autumn season. In this follow-up video, Danson offers seven great shooting tips for fantastic fall photos.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 11, 2017  | 

“Bokeh” is a very popular concept these days that's used to describe how lenses render out of focus areas in either the background or foreground of a photograph. The notion is a subjective one, and some lenses are said to have beautiful or “creamy” bokeh while others are criticized for the harsh way they render areas outside the zone of focus.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 28, 2023  | 

Some of us miss out on great opportunities to capture images with maximum impact because we always shoot in color. One reason for this is that some scenes cry out loudly for a monochrome approach.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 23, 2020  | 

It doesn’t take an experienced photographer to realize that uninspiring city scenes by day are often transformed into spectacular cityscapes once the sun drops below the horizon. What does require expertise, however, is an understanding of how to properly capture everything you see through the viewfinder at night.

Jan-Ole Schmidt  |  Mar 07, 2017  | 

Everyone has at least one folder of images labeled “my best shots,” or something to that effect, on their computers. The images run the gamut from stunning landscapes and sunsets to great family portraits, travel images from your last vacation, amazing street scenes, work from client assignments, and so much more. 

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 16, 2018  | 

We’ve shared quite a few videos recently on how to effectively pose people in photos and they’ve proved to be quite popular. So, here’s another one with a slightly different spin on posing we think will help you out on your next portrait shoot.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 21, 2016  | 

It’s spring! And after many, many weeks of trudging through a gray and lifeless winter, Nature has opened her bodice of modesty and presented us with all of the colors the snow had denied. It’s time to photograph flowers. No matter what level of flower photography you pursue, here are some tips that will deliver a few more blossoms. 

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 02, 2018  | 

It’s that time of year when everyone is searching for tips on how to shoot amazing fireworks photos on the Fourth of July. For some great advice on this topic, we turn to one of our favorite photographers on YouTube, Pierre T. Lambert who shares the video below, which is titled How to Shoot Fireworks: 7 Secrets to Photograph Fireworks Like a Boss.”

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 14, 2021  | 

Pro photographer Jessica Sterling is back for another Shutterbug video, and this time she's brought a friend. In the below tutorial, Sterling teams up with pro sports photographer Carrie Giordano to share seven key sports photography tips.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 29, 2021  | 

Like it or not, one of the best ways to grow as a photographer is to learn from your mistakes. And, unfortunately, most of us have made plenty.

Joe Farace  |  Dec 22, 2015  | 

During the coming year, the means we’ll use to capture photographs may change but not the motivation to share our view of the world with others. To accomplish this goal we need tools to change the way we see that world and interact with it. Imagine handing an iPhone to Alexander Graham Bell. What would he think of it? The future of imaging includes many paradigm-shifting technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence but in the short run, we’ll deal with trends.
