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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 21, 2023  | 

Many photographers routinely create images that are good technically and in every other way, but are still about average. In many instances, you can transform your photography skills from typical to exceptional with the right accessory. Besides that, here at Shutterbug we really love photo accessories. Who doesn't? Here are a half-dozen that we especially like.

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 22, 2016  | 

If you were asked to do a photo shoot in an empty studio could you harness your skills and creativity to come up with an interesting image? That’s exactly the task at hand in this latest video from The Lab, titled “Blank – Creating something from nothing.”

Dan Havlik  |  Dec 15, 2015  | 

We’ve really been enjoying The Lab’s ongoing video series about photography and the group’s latest clip (embedded below) could be its most creative one yet. In the 2:30-minute spot titled “MINDFRAME – Think First. Shoot Later.”, six photographers are invited to a cemetery and are asked to capture “eternal life” in a single photo.

Ron Leach  |  May 30, 2023  | 

This morning we posted a straightforward Lightroom tutorial explaining how easy it is to use Lightroom Masks for landscape photos with maximum impact. Now it's time for six pro tips that will enable you to get the job done in the camera.

Dan Havlik  |  Jun 19, 2018  | 

Ever wonder why your travel portraits sometimes look no better than dull vacation snapshots? It might not be your skill as a photographer or the attractiveness of the person you’re photographing. You simply could be posing them wrong.

Maria Piscopo  |  Oct 10, 2017  | 

As people move through different stages of their life, photographic records of these events are the mainstay of the portrait photographer’s business model. The idea of hiring a professional photographer to capture life’s important moments will never be completely replaced by relying on family or friends to “just take a picture.” 

Ron Leach  |  Feb 08, 2018  | 

The video below is a followup to Monday’s tutorial explaining how to make the most of a wide-angle lens for epic landscape photography. In today’s lesson you’ll see why one pro says, “You need a telephoto lens for landscape photography,” and he provide helpful tips on how to use one.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 30, 2022  | 

Let’s face it: Image sharpness is an essential component of great photographs, whether they’re portraits captured in the studio or a landscape image taken outdoors. No matter how gorgeous the model, or how scenic the destination; if the image is soft all is for naught.

Henry Anderson  |  Mar 26, 2020  | 

We've been featuring tutorials on how to shoot sunsets this week because it's a great way to practice your photography while getting outdoors and maintaining a safe social distance from your fellow humans. You can photograph sunsets just about anywhere and you don't need to be near anyone to do it.

Dan Havlik  |  Dec 09, 2020  | 

One of the most glaring (literally) mistakes we see in landscape photography is overprocessing your images. The result is a retina-burning landscape photo that looks so heavily edited it almost appears surreal.

Henry Anderson  |  May 06, 2021  | 

Which Adobe software do you prefer for editing landscape photos: Lightroom or Photoshop?

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 26, 2017  | 

Here’s more great advice for beginning photographers in the form of a helpful how-to video from landscape photographer Serge Ramelli. Titled “Mistakes to Avoid as a Beginner Photographer,” the 6.5-minute clip below discusses six things Ramelli did when he was just starting out in photography, which he now regrets.

Henry Anderson  |  Apr 01, 2021  | 

Misty Moss is a full-time boudoir photographer based on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. But she didn't start out that way. Moss became a boudoir pro five years ago and she's learned a lot through trial and error. Now she's excited to share some of her boudoir knowledge with beginners to help them improve.

Michele Celentano  |  Jun 26, 2020  | 

(Editor’s Note: Exploring Light is a monthly Shutterbug column featuring tips, tricks, and photo advice from professional photographers in Canon's Explorers of Light education program. This month's column is by Michele Celentano on how to safely pose models in our time of social distancing.)
