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Henry Anderson  |  Dec 02, 2019  | 

Cameras and lenses are essential to photography, of course, but photo accessories are where you can really have some fun. In the below video, photographer Mark Holtze shares five camera accessories he "can't live without."

Cynthia Boylan  |  Jun 11, 2015  | 

appleJuce: Sooner or later the LCD screen on your camera (tablet, laptop or smartphone) will lose its luster due to the dust, dirt and smudges accumulating on its surface. The dirt reduces the screen’s clarity, brightness and color accuracy but it can be restored with a good cleaning. Many household cleaners contain ingredients that can damage the screen’s sensitive surface. appleJuce is a complete solution for cleaning these devices. The 2oz appleJuce pump is ideal for use at home, in the studio, or on location. Its TSA-approved size is small enough for travel and fits easily in an organization case so appleJuce is handy whenever you need it. appleJuce is alcohol and ammonia free and it removes stains/oils from all screens, it also polishes the surface of your electronics. Environmentally friendly, appleJuce has a green apple scent and the package includes appleJuce solution in a 2oz pump bottle and two reusable screen cleaning cloths for a suggested retail price of $12.95.


Dan Havlik  |  Sep 07, 2020  | 

If you're just starting out in photography but don't know where to begin, the below video from Mango Street is a great place to start. 

Ron Leach  |  Aug 21, 2018  | 

When it comes to landscape and seascape photos, British pro Nigel Danson really knows his stuff. And in the helpful tutorial below, he reveals five favorite secrets that are responsible for his spectacular imagery.

Deborah Sandidge  |  Apr 26, 2018  | 

There’ll always be an opportunity to make a photograph. What makes that photo more than simply a record of a place, what will turn it into a creative image, is how you deal with the opportunity—and sometimes how far you stretch it.

Dan Havlik  |  Apr 18, 2017  | 

Do you want to shoot outdoor portraits but can’t find any decent locations to serve as backdrops? Maybe you should be looking closer to home. That’s the message in our latest video with New York Times-best selling author/photographer Jordan Matter who finds five great portrait photography locations in the “ugly” neighborhood outside his studio in New York City.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 26, 2021  | 

Summer is in full swing, and that means a trip to the beach. And what better way to make eye-catching images than shooting seaside portraits of pretty models? Keep reading if that sounds like fun, because we have five simple tips to improve your results.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 29, 2017  | 

Toma Bonciu is a Romanian nature photographer that we turn to regularly for fun camera hacks and concise tutorials on improving images you shoot in the great outdoors. In the seven-minute video below he reveals five simple tips for making your landscape trips easier and bringing home great photos.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 02, 2018  | 

Tim Boyer is a highly acclaimed bird photographer, workshop instructor, and author of the popular field guide Learn the Art of Bird Photography. In this tutorial he explains what he says are the five best tips for photographing birds with Canon DSLR cameras.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 02, 2018  | 

How about this for a fun weekend photo assignment: Get up early, grab your gear, and head into town for a bit of black-and-white street photography. The quick video below provides five helpful tips, and all the inspiration you need, to give this a go.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 08, 2020  | 

If you’re one of those photographers who stow their gear after the sun drops below the horizon, you’re missing out on some great opportunities. And if you think nighttime photography is complicated, the video below will quickly change your mind.

Andrew Darlow  |  Aug 02, 2017  | 

(Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from Andrew Darlow’s new book, Focus and Filter: Professional Techniques for Mastering Digital Photography and Capturing the Perfect Shot , from Ulysses Press. Darlow has been a professional photographer and educator for over 25 years, and this is his fourth book. You can also read his story with tips for taking safari-quality photos at a zoo here.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 10, 2022  | 

Do you want to take better photos of birds? Well, look no further than the below tutorial from professional bird photographer Emilie Talpin who shares five tips to improve your bird photos including where to focus, what gear to use, and more.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 19, 2020  | 

Ready to up your game with a premium DSLR but don't want to pay a premium price for a new camera? Here’s a look at 5 of our favorite used DSLRs offered by MPB, the global giant that deals exclusively in used camera gear. Why buy used? Better value, better gear, better photos.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 18, 2022  | 

You don’t need a fancy studio to shoot a compelling portrait. Just bring your camera and subject to a local park.
