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This great blue heron is frequently seen looking for food at the base of the waterfalls in Glen Park in my hometown of Williamsville, New York. I watched him at the base of the falls for a long time during which he was unsuccessful at catching any fish. He left the base of the falls and flew about 20 yards downstream and landed in the creek hoping to find a fish there. I followed along and, since the creek is about 8 feet below the point where I was standing, I was able to look down on the heron. I kept my focus on the heron hoping to catch a shot of him in flight. As he squatted to take flight, I pressed my shutter (in continuous mode) and captured this image. Once in Photoshop, I saw the brilliant colors and fine detail in the heron's feathers. Most shots of these birds are usually from eye level or below, and seldom do we get an opportunity to see their magnificent plumage spread out like this.
The camera was a Nikon D810 with a Sigma 150-600 contemporary lens at 185 mm focal length. The ISO was 800, the aperture f/8, shutter speed 1/2000 second.