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This composite consists of a background of banyan tree roots taken at Kapi'olani Park, a middle layer of an Hawaiian Royal Guard leaving the barracks of 'Iolani Palace (the only royal palace in the USA), and a top layer of a Siamang gibbon howling at the Honolulu Zoo whilst swinging on a white rope.
All 3 images were taken at f/11 1/1250 because I am an old man with shaky hands and unable to cart around a tripod (I travel by feet and by bus). The composite was created on a 12-year old iMac with Elements 10 software, and it is obvious I lack training as I was unable to recreate the gibbons hand after removing the white rope nor successfully remove all the blue sky background of the gibbon, but the idea was to create an image of Honolulu that would attract interest.
I hope it will inspire other photographers to create "fairy tale" images of their hometown.