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It was a long morning after taking the 2 shots that I merged together to create this image. I took two frames for a panoramic photo when I turned around to talk to my nephew and step son. As I turned I knocked my camera on to a large rock, the lens and filter snapped and shattered and rolled into the river to be carried away while the camera body went plunging into the the river. My heart sank to say the least. I was able to pull the memory cards out and dry them off, luckily at least they were still usable and readable. I am now without a camera, which sucks. Sucks terribly.
Amis Mill Dam is in need of some major repairs, water is pouring from places that it shouldn't be. The overcast day helped with the lighting. These two frames were merged and flattened in photoshop.
Camera: Nikon D700 (rest in pieces)
Lens: Nikkor 18-55 (Residing in a river in east Tennessee)
Tripod: Manfrotto (at least you were saved)
Filter: CPL (Gone the way of the lens)
fstop: f11
Shutter Speed: 1/4
Focal Length: 18mm