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While taking photos of the surf on Long Beach Island, N.J., I noticed a pool of water on the beach which likely was deposited during a very high tide. This pool was large enough that the strong winds created small wave action. As the water receded over time, this wave action produced erosion resulting in an interesting parallel S curve design feature.
Date: March 2017
Camera: NIKON D7100
Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm 1:2.8 GII
Settings: f/14; 1/640 sec.; ISO-560; 200mm; Hand held
Processing: Microsoft Photo Gallery
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The Ocean Leaves its Mark
Photographer: William J. Zihala
wjzihala@comcast.net | Mar 18, 2017
Views: 27
Dimensions: 6000x4000
Size: 11742kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Fine Art Photography