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These amazing little owls are actually quite common during the winter months in the northern US, but are very rarely seen due to their size and secrecy. Being a nocturnal bird, these owls hide during the daylight hours in their roosts, usually in dense pine trees. I was fortunate enough to see one recently, and use it as an educational tool for others that came to see it. It's important to remember that viewing wildlife not only creates a connection between the viewer and the animal. If often creates connections between people a well, and I firmly believe that the only way we can save our planet from ourselves is to continue creating these connections and learning together!
(2 votes)
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Photographer: Justin Cale
wild_man_photo | Feb 9, 2017
Views: 9
Dimensions: 2485x3354
Size: 5735kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Wildlife & Nature Photography