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I live on the edge of the Wet Mountain Valley, an unusual place known for it ferocious storms that can occur any day of the year. On the West side of the valley we have the towering peaks of nine 14,000 ft plus peaks of the Sangre de Cristo/Rocky Mountains and on the East border the 12,000ft Wet Mountains. The perfect breeding grounds for incredible storms with unbelievable lightning shows and spectacular cloud formations.
This panorama was merged in Lightroom out of two photos and shows a monster storm exploding like an atomic mushroom cloud just behind the ridge of the 12,000 ft Wet Mountains.
Technical data:
Taken with Nikon D810, F/6.3, ISO 400, Exp. 1/8 sec, Nikkor 25-120 at 44 mm, B+W plo. filter, Manfrotto Tripod, two images merged in Lightroom

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