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In this image, my sweet dog, Duchess, is admiring a photo of a painting by George Stubbs titled, "Portrait of a Dog." Inspired by a Pamela Hall painting, I hoped to capture the beauty and elegance of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed in a photographic image. For a soft painted look, I applied a palette knife effect in Photoshop Elements. The image was taken with a Nikon D750 camera and a Nikkor 24-120mm lens. For lighting I used an X-it Pro-series digital TTL flash and a Rogue Flash Bender with a diffusion panel attached.
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Portrait of a Dog
Photographer: Marjorie Stevenson
Duchess1 | Sep 25, 2016
Views: 63
Dimensions: 4948x3895
Size: 5952kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug Photo of the Day