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Budapest in Golden Light
by Alexandra Ballough
Sony ILCE-7
FE 4/70-200 G OSS Lens
It was taken on a River Cruise while the boat was moving past the Parliament Building. The focus length was 70mm, shutter speed 1/15, 5.6F, and an ISO of 2000. I used a tripod. I did make one mistake the WB. It was set on cloudy, but it did nothing to the quality of the light. That was why I hadn't noticed. Unlike some photos I've seen, where the light looks almost white, it was actually very golden, almost orange, as the photo suggests. It was absolutely a breathtaking sight!
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Budapest in Golden Light
ABallough | May 14, 2015
Dimensions: 4906x3079
Size: 1379kb
Filed Under: Travel & Location