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Every family has many family portraits. But there is one person that everyone in my family that we can't live without. J. W. Dean. Quick witted and always tinkering on something in the garage. One day I went over to grandma and grandpa's house to practice with my new lighting system. I sent them up in the living room and put a black reflector behind the couch. As grandpa walk through the kitchen door and he asked me, "what are you doing with all of that stuff?" And I simply replied "I'm here to make you look pretty." I had him sit down and I started taking pictures. He was acting silly in the beginning and he stopped to think about what he could do next and this is the photo I captured. Now when anyone walks into the house he shows in the picture I printed for him. And says "did you know I was famous."
Photo was taken with the Nikon D200 and in AF – SVR zoom Nikon 18–200 MM lens. Lighting system: 2 Paul C. Buff white lightning x800
Edited in Photoshop and Nik|Silver software.