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This image is of a baby fairy tern on Kwajalein in the Republic of the Marshall Islands on a tree near the beach. Fairy terns do not build nests for their babies and babies are left vulnerable to high winds and predators. This baby fairy tern was brave enough to look right at me. The parents were nearby swooping and squawking so it was a quick shot.
The photo was taken with a Canon 60D, 85mm f/1.8, ISO 100, 1/250, f/2.2. Sharpened and edited for a warmer, richer image in Lightroom and Photoshop CC. Compressed to 1 MB to meet submission standards.
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Baby Fairy Tern
jsavage | Feb 15, 2015
Views: 198
Dimensions: 5184x3456
Size: 994kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Wildlife and Nature