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Paul E. Dillon
Canon 5DMKII
Canon EF 100mm f2.8 L Macro IS USM
f4.5 at 2.5 shutter speed ISO 50
In November 2010 I set up my new camera and macro lens for a "Selfie". I intended to use whatever lens that was on my camera. I pre-focused the lens, set to manual focus and set the timer for 10 seconds then quickly placed my gear on the pre-positioned tripod and sat down in a window of light that was shining through my kitchen window out into the enclosed back porch. During processing in Nik / Silver FX Pro I increased the contrast and was somewhat shocked at the look of my own face. It was a very stressful time in my life.
(3 votes)

Under Pressure a self portrait
P.E. Dillon | Dec 6, 2014
Views: 99
Dimensions: 3098x2783
Size: 2412kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Low-Light Noir