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Canon 5DMkIII, EF 24-70mm f2.8L II, 44mm, 1/160 sec, f4.5, ISO 12,800. Noise removed with DXO, slight adjustments made in LR 5.7.
When we first brought home our new 8 wk old Corgi pup Kogi, our 75 lb golden retriever Dylan immediately tried to crush her neck, which terrified the rest of us. 2 months later, after slowly introducing her as part of the family, we've finally got them to hang out peacefully. Still, whenever they get like this, it's so reminiscent of that first meeting that we're never sure whether things will shift suddenly from play to prey.
(2 votes)

Play or Prey?
gearnut54 | Nov 25, 2014
Views: 177
Dimensions: 2400x3600
Size: 1194kb
Filed Under: Picture This: The Decisive Moment