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On our last camping trip this Dragon fly donated a big part of his life with us. I say with us ; because I could not have got this picture , without my wives help. CHANGED LENS TWICE, ADDED An extender 1.4 III. Taken with EOS Canon 70D wireless remote vanguard tripod and ball head 70-200 2.8L at F3.5 1/400 racked out manual focus of course !! Took over 150 images, should of gotten even more but I am an ex film kinda guy, Guilty as charged !! Dragged kicking and screaming into the Digital Age! Thank You for such an outstanding Publication !!
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Red Dragon
libbysr | Nov 13, 2014
Views: 53
Dimensions: 3648x5472
Size: 4729kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Bokeh, Shallow Depth of Field