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I was stalking waterbirds at the pond near the Venice Audubon Society’s pond in Venice, Florida when I spotted this Anhinga poised for takeoff. He lifted off quickly, but I managed to get this one crisp shot of him against the nicely blurred background. I considered showing the whole bird, but liked this crop better with the black pyramidical shape of the bird against the bright green background.
Canon 5D Mk. III, Canon 600mm f/4.0 version II with Canon 1.4x teleconverter, handheld at 1/400 second, f/6.3, ISO 800.
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Anhinga Liftoff
boywithcamera | Nov 13, 2014
Views: 126
Dimensions: 2559x1738
Size: 4611kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Bokeh, Shallow Depth of Field