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What Hour can do., This was shot at 7:15:14, on Aug 13, 2014, A heavy rain storm came in over Lake Worth Lagoon,
The camera was a Canon D7, with a 18 to 200 MM canon lens, @ 18 mm F: 7.1 @ 1/125 sec three frames
Bias Value was -0.67, Process in Photoshop CS-2 & later process in PS-5 with Nik color effect Pro 4 filters,
this sharpen the photo and Detail 68%, Contrast 74%, Saturation 11% I dis a little spotting to take the lines out, but all in all this was the way it look for about a hour. Then my next picture will show what happen in one hour.
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What an Hour can do
Robert K Bailey | Aug 14, 2014
Views: 150
Dimensions: 1400x450
Size: 401kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Panorama