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This image of the Webster Street Feed Mill Silo was taken in 2002 with a Wisner 8x10 camera with a 360 mm Schneider lens set at f/32. A red 25 filter and a polarizing filter were used to enhance darkening of the sky. The camera was supported on a Gitzo large format camera tripod with a Manfrotto pan/tilt head and a cable release was used to prevent camera shake during theeh exposure. The exposure was determined using a digital Pentax Spotmeter employing the Zone System of exposure control. The exposure required normal development of the T-Max 400 sheet film. The negative was scanned using an Epson V750 flatbed scanner. The file was opened in Nik Silver Efex to set the density and contrast. Minor dodging and burning was required. This image would have been quite unimpressive as a drab structure with a not striking blue sky if captured with color film. The black and white rendition provides a much more impressive and dramatic view.

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