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This bouquet of sunflowers was taken in my studio in 2001 with a large door serving as a opening for skylight to illuminate the bouquet. The image was taken with a Wista 4x5 camera, 150 mm Schneider f/5.6 lens set at f/22. A Gitzo large format tripod with Manfrotto tilt/pan head was used with a cable release to steady the camera during the exposure. The exposure was determined with a Pentax Spotmeter using the Zone System for exposure control by measuring the critical highlight and shadow areas that were desired to retain detail. The exposure was determined to require normal development of the T-Max 400 sheet film. The negative was scanned using a Epson V750 flatbed scanner and Nik Silver Efex software to create the desired density and contrast. Minor burning was used to tone down the highlight in the metal watering can.

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