Extensis Portfolio 4.0
Yes, when you can't
find that file, and you forget the file name, don't just get angry,
and voice an expletive, put the latest computer acronym in your vocabulary.
DAM stands for Digital Asset Management, and is one of the hottest software
topics this season. It doesn't take long collecting image files
once you start doing digital photography to develop a need for DAM.
The old business of storing snapshots in a shoe box doesn't work,
because the "appearance" of the picture is not what you
see when you go looking for a digital image, all you have is a bunch
of file names on a digital storage media, or listed in a folder on your
hard drive. What DAM does is connect a visual likeness and the file
names, as well as a record of its location, and whatever other information
you want to associate with the image to make it easy to find. |
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