When it comes to image quality combined with convenience it's hard to match medium format. Simple physics tell the tale: the larger film size means less magnification to get to equivalent image sizes--in print or repro--than the smaller 35mm format. In addition, medium format...
When editing photo files, Photoshop is the first application that comes to mind. When it comes to scanning software, LaserSoft's SilverFast has acquired a similar association. However, most who are familiar with SilverFast, due to the many scanners...
Paint Shop Pro 8 is the latest version of Jasc Software's premier image-editing software package for Windows. Sharing many of the same capabilities of more expensive image-editing software, Paint Shop Pro 8 provides the resources to create and manipulate images with complete flexibility by...
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on letters for the HELP! desk:
Please confine yourself to only one question per letter. Both postal
letters and e-mails are fine, although we prefer e-mail as the most
With high-end 35mm digital SLRs currently sporting 11 to 14-megapixel resolution, some photographers ask the question: Is there still an advantage to medium format if you work only in digital?
The Hasselblad H1 answers that question. The H1 is both a film and a...
For many wildlife photographers, nothing beats an African photo safari. It's the adventure of being "one with nature" on wide-open plains; the excitement of framing a lion, cheetah, zebra, giraffe, or other magnificent animal in the...
Some images are remote and poetic. Others are majestic and dramatic. All represent a fixed and silent moment in the personal vision of photographer Franklin B. Way. In Way's photographs I am reminded of Alfred Stieglitz's words...
I don't recall just how many times I've gone through this, but it's more than a few. After much soul-searching, speculation, and fretting I decide I'm going to give up large format photography forever. It always seems like such a...
This being the start of a new year I thought I'd take the opportunity to thank those who have made 2003 a successful year for all of us here at Shutterbug. This has been quite a year here, what with our going to a different format and producing the most pages of any...