Darryl C. Nicholas  |  Feb 01, 2003

The Darkroom

We use a flat-bed UMAX PowerLook III scanner for scanning reflective material. It has a maximum scan area of about 8.5x11.7". While that size handles a lot of what we need to scan, every now and then a client will bring in a much larger old picture that they...

Jay Abend  |  Feb 01, 2003

The Inside Scoop

Face it, you like your equipment. You started reading Shutterbug for the ads, and there isn't an issue that comes where you don't check out the price on some photo item you must have. I started my...

Andrea Keister  |  Feb 01, 2003

The Recreations Of David B. Brooks

Each month in Shutterbug our own David B. Brooks reveals why he's an expert in the field...

Jay McCabe  |  Feb 01, 2003

Student Union


Northwest College
Powell, Wyoming



Cris Daniels  |  Feb 01, 2003

Stitcher 3.5

While there are film camera systems that are designed specifically to shoot panoramic images, digital photographers are currently without an equitable product. Making the task even more difficult is the fact that many of the professional-level digital SLR cameras...

Frances E. Schultz  |  Feb 01, 2003

Still Using A Lab For B&W Prints

In the years BC (Before Color), black and white labs for amateurs were taken for granted. After that...

Rosalind Smith  |  Feb 01, 2003

Resonant Images

It is a spiritually rewarding experience to stand before the black and white photographs of David Fokos. The mood created by the large areas of rich blacks is haunting while the isolation of objects conjures...

The Editors  |  Feb 01, 2003

Playing With Perspective

We judge near and far, big and small by our innate sense of perspective. A sort of visual grammar, it orders the world around and ensures that we can get where we're going and that when we reach out to touch...

Jack Hollingsworth  |  Feb 01, 2003


I'm not going to tell you that resort photography isn't work--it is; but I'm not going to tell you that it's all work. I like to go early, stay later and bring the family. By going early I get...

Monte Zucker  |  Feb 01, 2003

Master Class

But when a photograph is limited to black and white and tones of gray, one has to really know the ropes before he can tie...
