Rosalind Smith | Jan 01, 2006 | First Published: Jan 01, 2007
How do you translate an idea into an image? Or convert words into a photograph? How can a picture create a sense of fear and is this fear something we are born with? Perfect pitch... How might you define this phenomenon with your camera? Or hypergraphia, the compulsive need to write?
These were among the puzzles that confronted Cary Wolinsky for his story on...
Photography is a wide-ranging field that engenders passion in its practitioners, and like all great forms of expression creates opinions formed through experience and reflection. In its early days one of the great debates was: Is Photography Art? This was the subject of many essays and heated discussions among players and spectators. Today, issues such as film vs. digital, format...
This month's Picture This! assignment was Patterns in Nature. Readers responded with a glorious selection of design, form, and color derived from plants, rocks, and animals. While the debate over so-called "Intelligent Design" and evolution may stir some to emotional rhetoric, there's some respite in simply marveling at and enjoying the visual pleasures...
Lots of software filters let you apply a certain look after an image is created and some of them mimic the kind of effects camera filters produce while an image is captured. As much as I love using filter plug-ins, they are really postproduction tools for use after a photograph has been acquired. Camera filters are production tools that let you capture images in many ways that...
The smallest and lightest digital SLR on the market at the time of this writing, the *ist DL is also among the most affordable in the 6-megapixel category. As the entry-level model in the Pentax line, it was designed for simplicity of operation, yet it's surprisingly versatile, with a full slate of semiautomatic and manual features as well as overrides for full control.
In accordance with my predictions that medium format will move increasingly toward the specialist or niche market, there are no fewer than eight new panoramic rollfilm cameras since last year: one of the most active sectors in traditional silver-halide photography. In reverse alphabetical order, they are Walker/Canham, Shenhao (two models), Noblex, Gilde, and Fotoman (three...
Do you love black and white photography? If so, does this sound like a dream camera to you: inexpensive, easy to use, forgiving, and capable of the finest results in the world? I thought it might. Welcome to the world of 5x7".
Inexpensive? Yes. The last 5x7 I considered, but didn't buy, was a twin-lens (!) on its own studio stand. It...
We welcome your comments on articles, photo and digital events, feedback on how we're doing, constructive criticism, and friendly advice. We reserve the right to edit for brevity and to paraphrase longer comments if necessary. You can send us letters by US mail at Editor, News & Notes, Shutterbug Magazine, 1419 Chaffee Dr., Suite #1, Titusville, FL 32780, or by e-mail...
Paul Aresu I had worked before with some of the other Explorers. I had even employed and trained one of them. But I had never before experienced the likes of Paul Aresu, a New York-based commercial photographer. His clients are like a who's who of dream customers. Aresu is a freestyler. He shoots just like all the commercial photographers you see in...
"With the alternative processes, you can see someone's hand at work. It's a very personal way of creating a photograph."
Most of us are finding more of everything thanks to digital imaging technology, but for some photographers, the essentials are getting scarce. Jill Enfield, for example, for whom it's not a question of cameras--she uses...