Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 24, 2006

Stock Photo Ads, a newly launched Worldwide Photography Directory, offers an
impressive five years of exposure for as low as $40 a year. This site was developed
by Ryan Rossotto, the CEO of Stocktrek Images (; and Frank
Rossotto, who has over 25 years of experience in the photographic industry.


Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 21, 2006

Sony has established a new brand name for its digital single lens reflex (D-SLR)
cameras that will be launched worldwide this summer. Meaning "beginning"
and "essential," the symbol ? (pronounced alpha) will be used. Under
this sub-brand, Sony will produce a complete camera system of accessories and

The Sony Alpha system of cameras, lenses and accessories are said to integrate
advanced electromechanical technologies that are key to D-SLR performance, the
versatility of the well-established Maxxum lens mount system, and Sony's
renown in imaging devices and technologies. These include CCD and CMOS imaging
sensors, as well as other image processing technologies, in addition to overall
product miniaturization. People who have already made investments in many of
Konica-Minolta's lenses and accessories will be able to take full advantage
of Sony's new D-SLR cameras.

Sony is already handling support and repair service for existing Konica-Minolta
digital and film cameras, as well as related lenses and accessories in the U.S.
A dedicated call center and strong levels of web support have been established
for these customers.

There is more information available about the new sub-brand at
Sony camera and related product support for Konica Minolta customers is also
being offered at


Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 21, 2006

Moab Paper Company has announced the release of its Moab Desert Varnish. Moab's
new varnish is said to greatly enhance the life of digital prints and documents
providing a clear water- and UV-resistant surface. The varnish is available
in a 400ml Aerosol (13.5 fl oz) can.


Ron Leach  |  Apr 20, 2006

Protecting Your Rights

By Ron Leach, Publisher

The U.S. Copyright Office recently issued a call for comment on "orphan
works"--asking a number of questions about what to do with works
that are still technically under copyright protection but where the rightful
owner cannot be located. In response, four leadingphot...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 20, 2006

Software Cinema has announced The Best of Dean Collins Finelight Video DVD set,
featuring the late Dean Collins, one of the most celebrated educators of lighting
and camera techniques in the industry. To honor Dean Collins, a portion of all
proceeds will be donated to CureSearch, the world's largest pediatric cancer
research organization working towards the cure and prevention of childhood and
adolescent cancer through scientific discovery.

Transferred from video to the high-quality DVD format, this six-hour tutorial
created for photo enthusiasts and professional photographers covers fundamental
and advanced lighting techniques that can be applied to standard or digital photography.
Lessons range from lighting techniques in portrait, product and fashion photography
on both small and large sets. Dean Collins teaches in-studio and on-location about
set up and reasons for lighting when creating the image. Included in the re-release
are commentary and overview by Skip Cohen, Rangefinder Magazine's publisher
and author; Tony Corbell, noted photographer and author; and Julieanne Kost, Adobe's
official Photoshop Evangelist.

Since the loss of Dean Collins to cancer, Software Cinema has become proactive
in the support of cancer research. In Dean's honor, the company now partners
with CureSearch, the largest pediatric cancer research organization. CureSearch
unites the Children's Oncology Group (COG) and the National Childhood Cancer
Foundation (NCCF) through a shared mission to cure and prevent childhood and adolescent
cancer through scientific discovery and compassionate care. For every Dean Collins
DVD purchased, Software Cinema will donate $5 to CureSearch.

Pricing and Availability

Software Cinema's The Best of Dean Collins will be available in June 2006
and can be purchased by going to
Regular price is $179.00, but reserve a copy before June 2006 to save over $50.00.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 19, 2006

SanDisk Corporation will sponsor the Red Sea International Underwater Photo competition
in Eliat, Israel on April 24 -- 29. The contest is already attracting photographers
from all over the world, representing Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Israel,
Italy, Hungary, Poland, Philippines, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, and the

The participating underwater photographers will have three days to shoot their
photographs before the submission deadline. In order to get the best shots, divers
usually dive to about 100 feet. The photographers are restricted to only 25 minutes
of shooting time per dive due to water pressure and air supply constraints. There
is no room for error. Fast read and write speeds with their digital film cards
as well as reliable, high capacity storage are needed because while submerged,
changing or replacing flash film cards is impossible and every shot taken is critical.

"The competition is the ideal platform to highlight the superior capabilities
of SanDisk Extreme™ III cards," said Tanya Chuang, SanDisk senior
retail product marketing manager. "SanDisk's professional photography
line is designed specifically for the market's need for high-speed flash
memory storage for the high-performance digital single lens reflex (SLR) cameras
that will be used in the competition. SanDisk Extreme III CompactFlash cards,
which range in capacity between 1 and 8 gigabytes (GB), are among the world's
fastest cards, with minimum write and read speeds of 20 megabytes per second (MB/sec.)
. "

Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 18, 2006

Extensis, a division of Celartem Inc., has released two free updates to Portfolio
8 -- the Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution for creative professionals.
These updates include two file format support filters, which add support for Microsoft
Office allowing users to catalog, find and view files from Microsoft Word and
Excel on the Windows platform. Additionally, Extensis has added support for 22
new camera RAW formats on both Mac and Windows versions of Portfolio. Registered
owners of Portfolio 8 are eligible to receive the free upgrades immediately through
the Extensis website at

The Portfolio RAW Filter 3 update adds support for many current cameras, bringing
the total number of supported professional digital cameras to more than 80. For
a complete list of supported file types please visit:

The Portfolio RAW Filter is powered by technology from Bibble Labs, one of the
leading developers of RAW image processing software.

The RAW Filter and MS Office updates for Portfolio are immediately available via
download from the Extensis website and are free of charge for registered Portfolio
8 users. Portfolio 8 is available for a suggested retail price of $199.95US for
full product.

French- and German-language versions of the Portfolio update are also available
now for download from the Extensis website. The Japanese-language version of the
Portfolio update is available from

For information on where to purchase the Portfolio family of products visit

Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 17, 2006

Kingston Technology Company, Inc. has announced that world-class portrait
and fashion photographer Barbara Bordnick is the new featured photographer on
Kingston's Icons of Photography beginning today. "Icons of Photography"
is an online forum consisting of several of the world's most respected
photographers who share some of their unique tips and techniques with photo
enthusiasts and professionals worldwide. Each month Kingston spotlights a new
Icon who provides interesting advice and anecdotes for taking better pictures
and shares how they successfully navigate through the exciting world of digital
imaging, storage, and workflow.


Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 13, 2006

New gold CD-Rs and DVDs that are said to extend the storage life of data, music
and images for many decades are being introduced by KMP Media, LLC of Rochester,
NY. Operating under trademark license from Eastman Kodak Company, KMP Media
is marketing them as the KODAK Preservation CD-R and the KODAK Preservation
DVD (-R).


Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 13, 2006

Phase One is hosting the "See The Difference" road show seminar series
tailored for professional photographers in the US between March and October 2006.
Attendees will experience Phase One's medium format digital backs and learn
how to streamline their workflow using Capture One RAW Workflow. Those wishing
to attend "See The Difference" can find more information about the
show and its sponsors and register online at:
