Peter K. Burian  |  Jul 01, 2006

Smaller than a pack of Wrigley's gum--or a mini Bic lighter in some cases--a USB flash memory drive can be a useful device. Its primary purpose is for transferring data from one computer to another: from a laptop used when traveling to your home desktop, for example. A USB flash drive simply plugs into a Mac or Windows computer's USB port where it's...

David B. Brooks  |  Jul 01, 2006

Is a new upgrade on software merely an excuse for a new revenue stream for companies? One could take that somewhat cynical view, but on the other hand I wonder if it is any different than any new model of a product that is made attractive by new and improved features. When we trade a still running car in for a new model we expect it will have better performance and new...

George Schaub  |  Jul 01, 2006

There are quite a few differences between film and digital imaging. One main difference is that when it comes to film you are dealing with dye and density; with digital it's all a numbers game. Once exposed and developed, film has measurable and fairly fixed characteristics. With digital it's pretty much up for grabs. That's because digital images are composed of...

Darryl C. Nicholas  |  Jul 01, 2006

For those of you who have Adobe's Photoshop installed on your computer, I'm sure that you know all about re-sizing pictures down and converting them to JPEG before attaching them to an e-mail.

This short tip is for everyone else.

Microsoft Windows XP has made the job very easy. All you need is to be using the Win-XP operating system and the...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Jul 01, 2006

Traveling today with a digital camera is certainly an enjoyable experience. If we are not careful in the field, however, at the end of the day we wind up with too many images and nowhere to place them. You can carry extra CompactFlash cards, but that can be expensive and you have to back them up anyway as you go. In addition, today's high-resolution digital SLRs, like my...

Joe Farace  |  Jul 01, 2006

"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome."
--Isaac Asimov

I've tried to dump my Windows computer many times over the past few years, but the reality of writing Digital Innovations dictates it should be cross platform. So when my eMachines motherboard was fried, it was easier and cheaper to replace...

David B. Brooks  |  Jul 01, 2006

Digital Help is designed to aid you in getting the most from your digital photography, printing, scanning, and image creation. Each month, David Brooks provides solutions to problems you might encounter with matters such as color calibration and management, digital printer and scanner settings, and working with digital photographic images with many different kinds of cameras and...

Steve Bedell  |  Jul 01, 2006

CPAC Imaging PRO, Version 3.0, is sold mainly as a retouching software for professionals with a sell line that says, "Outstanding results in just minutes." But it's much more than that. While Adobe's Photoshop is the de facto software for professional image-makers, that doesn't mean that there are not other applications that can perform some of...

Jon Canfield  |  Jul 01, 2006

It's clear that color management is a hot topic, and products that provide accurate results with a minimum amount of fuss or techno-jargon are in high demand. Two new products fit this need perfectly, plus there is one that handles the needs of the more advanced user.

Pantone, along with GretagMacbeth, has brought out the smallest display calibration device...

Maria Piscopo  |  Jul 01, 2006

Stop. Look. Listen. You learned it when you were a little kid and it is good advice today. We are all so busy doing our photography that we often don't make the time to do our job of running a business. Part of any good business plan is scheduling a mid-year marketing update. It's a reality check--where have you been, where are you now, where are you going?
