Digital Help is designed to aid you in getting the most from your digital photography, printing, scanning, and image creation. Each month, David Brooks provides solutions to problems you might encounter with matters such as color calibration and management, digital printer and scanner settings, and working with digital photographic images with many different kinds of cameras and...
Graphic cameras were made in 21/4x31/4, 31/4x41/4, 4x5, and 5x7" film sizes, either with (Speed) or without a rear focal plane shutter (Century, Crown, and Super). The 4x5 is often recommended as a starter large format camera and many are still in use today. The 3x4s and 5x7s are somewhat rare and collectible, but what about the 2x3s? The 2x3 Crown (leather-covered mahogany)...
It's not every day that your eyes are opened to a whole new world, but that happened to me in August of 2004. A friend suggested we take our sons on a canoe trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northern Minnesota. Not one to miss an adventure, I quickly agreed and we made the arrangements. Although not a photography trip, I took my camera and tripod along...
Are you interested in taking action shots of youth sports events and selling pictures on-site? It can be a great way to start earning money with photography, and the market is more accessible than you might think. Is There A Market In Your Area? On-site event photography can be done as a business or as a weekend hobby; either way, it's...
Fine Art Photography: Water, Ice And Fog: Photographic Techniques And The Art Of Interpretation For Digital And Film Photographers; by Tony Sweet; Stackpole Books, 112 pages; $19.95; (ISBN: 978-0-8117-3349-6) Accomplished photographer, workshop instructor, author, and lecturer Tony Sweet brings us this beautifully crafted book. It contains a fine collection of...
You have a bag full of lenses, but you need a pair of binoculars, too. Binoculars are a true "crossover" accessory that are useful when you're out taking pictures--but are equally useful when pursuing other pastimes, like watching your kids play soccer, or checking out the birds that frequent your back yard feeder.
It's been said that every gadget bag is a compromise between how well it protects your gear and how easily your equipment can be accessed. This is especially true with photo backpacks. But if you need to carry a heavy load of gear into the field, a properly fitted backpack is hard to beat. Besides cost, there are five points to consider when selecting a backpack. How you...
Quality, according to the old saying, doesn't cost: it pays. These new manual-focus, Nikon-fit "ZF" lenses are a perfect illustration of that saying. Sure, they are built by Hirofumi Kobayashi in Japan, but they are built to Zeiss standards from Zeiss designs, and they feel like the Zeiss lenses of yesteryear: smooth, solid, beautifully finished, with a lot of...