Retouching a portrait using film used to be a pretty simple task. Send the negative to your lab, check the “retouch” box, pay $5 or so, and the job was done.
If you have ever had the experience of trying to convert your favorite slide or color negative to an electronic file you have probably run into the problem called “noise.”...
I don't know if I have found my photographic "vision" yet, but I have definitely found my obsession. For me, it began five years ago when I bought my first sophisticated 35mm SLR film camera. Before then my photographic experience had been limited to the typical point-and-shoot family snapshots, but with this new camera something "clicked" (other than...
Image theft is a real concern for many people. Anyone who has a website, posts a photo to one of the many sharing sites, or even e-mails a photo to someone is at risk of their image being used without permission. And, if they aren't asking for permission, you can bet they aren't planning to pay you for the fair use of your work.
Novoflex has long made a series of what they call panorama plates and what the rest of us call panorama heads, although they really are closer to being a plate than a head. At photokina 2006 the company added two new versions of these precision-machined products. Like all kinds of support-related products, the Novoflex Panorama=Q and Panorama=Q PRO are media-passive, not...
Helicoptering over the dramatic Southern Alp mountain range at sunrise. Traversing a glacier filled with mighty cascades of ice tumbling down a valley toward the sea. Tramping on the world's best nature trails. Driving past stunning and magical scenery that constantly changes at every turn. Hanging out in pubs with the world's friendliest people--the Kiwis. New...
Take over 500 entries exhibiting a broad range of photography and printing skills; three judges each contributing decades of experience to the arts; and a conference room in the heart of New York City on one of the coldest days in history; and you get the ingredients that result in the winning images for the Legion Paper Photo Contest. The images were judged in three categories:...