DxO Labs today announced that DxO Optics Pro v5, the latest version of its
award-winning flagship software application for automatic image quality enhancement
for Digital SLR camera users, now supports the new Nikon D3 camera body and
an initial selection of lenses. The addition of this professional Digital SLR
comes close on the heels of support for the recently released Nikon D300 advanced
Digital SLR. Lens correction modules for three popular Nikkor lenses are available
for the Nikon D3: the AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED, the AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D
and the AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G ED. Support for the Nikon D3 and lenses is
available in DxO Optics Pro v5 Elite.
Apple today introduced Aperture 2, the next major release of its groundbreaking
photo editing and management software with over 100 new features that make it
faster, easier
to use and more powerful. With a streamlined user interface and entirely
new image processing engine, Aperture 2 also introduces new imaging tools
for highlight recovery, color vibrancy, local contrast definition,
soft-edged retouching, vignetting and RAW fine-tuning, and lets users
directly post their portfolios on the .Mac Web Gallery for viewing on the
web, iPhone, iPod touch and Apple TV. At a new low price of $199,
anyone can easily organize, edit and publish photos like a pro.
Calumet Photographic offers affordable yet sophisticated self-contained flash
units, the Genesis 200w/s and 400w/s moonlights. These flash units provide all
the power and lighting control needed to create professional-looking portraits
and great still-life tabletop photographs. They provide recycling times as low
as one second. The Genesis flash units' 5-volt sync voltage is even safe
for today's digital cameras.
The Sigma Corporation is pleased to announce the launch of the Sigma DP1 compact
digital camera featuring a 14 megapixel FOVEON X3 direct image sensor (2652
× 1768 × 3 layers) as used in the Sigma SD14 digital SLR.
What is the appeal of "retro" photography? I mean, surely, hasn't everyone "gone digital" nowadays? And equally surely, wouldn't you admit that the three new ZV Classic lenses from Zeiss, for traditional Hasselblads, are as retro as they come?
The answer is no, on both counts.
First, film has no more been killed by digital than...
The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life.--Andrew Brown
Recently Adobe's CEO Bruce Chizen announced that all their applications would move online within 10 years. The same day I saw a headline that "Comcast Blocks Some Internet Traffic," referring to the nation's second largest...
Here are a few things AJ Neste's learned about photographing surfers: One, it's the singer, not the song. "The most important part of being successful at this," he says, "is knowing the surfer. It's not just showing up somewhere and taking photos of random surfers. You won't know their personal style."
Most serious digital photographers know that using a graphic tablet is the best way by far when it comes to editing and making selections in Photoshop and other imaging applications. There is a learning curve when switching from a mouse to a pen, but after using one I don't know of any photographers who would go back to the old method. Along with the finer control you have...
This month our focus is on black and white photography--from capture
and conversion to processing and printing. We show you how to use film and digital
technologies togetherto...
Contributor Jason Schneider is a world-recognized expert on Classic Cameras, so when he approached us with the idea to present a Top 20 Cameras of All-Time list we readily agreed. Rather than give you the entire list in one issue--which would probably have taken the lion's share of our editorial pages--we decided to present the list in countdown form, starting...