Joseph A. Dickerson  |  Aug 01, 2001

To quote Don Quixote de La Mancha, "Can we ever have too much of a good thing?" Well, finally those who shoot Nikon need not stand idly by while their Canon toting friends do magical things to their photographic subjects with Tilt/Shift (TS)...

Jay Abend  |  Aug 01, 2001

After last year's exhaustive study of all things Russian, I thought I was done with Kiev equipment. While I had given up on most things Ukrainian as everyday shooters, I did still have a fine Kiev 60 body and a handful of Kiev lenses...

Peter K. Burian  |  Aug 01, 2001

Although we cover new equipment announced at trade shows, binoculars are often overlooked because they're not used for photography. Still, most outdoor shooters do carry binocs as they can be invaluable for scanning or scouting an area to...

Jay McCabe  |  Aug 01, 2001


Minnesota State
University Moorhead
Moorhead, Minnesota


Steve Bedell  |  Aug 01, 2001

I live on the East Coast, and I mean right on it. My studio is located about 8 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. People who live here love the beach, and of course the tourists who descend like swarming flies on a slain wildebeest every...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Aug 01, 2001

Picking up a Nikon 300mm f/2.8 for the first time was certainly a humbling experience. This lens was not only large in physical size, it was heavy! Specifications show that it checked in at around 51/2 lbs and measured almost a foot in...

Lynne Eodice  |  Jul 01, 2001





Photo opportunities are abundant on vacations, so you'll want to keep your compact camera handy and loaded with film. The events you'll capture on film are visual souvenirs of your adventures and the destinations you visited.

A lot of people enjoy shooting pictures of their friends, spouse or...

Jay McCabe  |  Jul 01, 2001


University Of Montana
Missoula, Montana


Monte Zucker  |  Jul 01, 2001

For the past few years there's been a lot of apprehension as to what's happening to the state of classic portraiture. Now, there's an answer. It's growing, maturing, and blossoming out. And, it's also going...

Peter K. Burian  |  Jul 01, 2001  |  First Published: Jun 01, 2001

Agfacolor Vista 800
Bearing a strong family resemblance, this film appears almost identical to Vista 400 in 4x6 prints. In my 8x12 enlargements, contrast appears a bit higher, an advantage in the flat light of an overcast day.
