Maria Piscopo  |  Oct 01, 2002

As many commercial photographers
will tell you, it has not been such a great year for business. Though
the consumer (wedding/portrait) shooter seems to be still building sales
and finding new clients, the commercial shooters have been looking for...

Richard Pahl  |  Oct 01, 2002

We all know the colors of fall, don't we? Golds, greens, oranges, and reds, right? And we all know when fall arrives, right? Sometime after school begins, right? Or does it come around September 21st? Would it surprise you to know...

The Editors  |  Oct 01, 2002

Maybe it's cold outside . . . but it's a great time to take pictures!

Winter brings with it some great photo opportunities. In many areas winter means snowy landscapes and snow sports; in others, it's just a somewhat cooler and slightly wetter time of year. Here are some winter-oriented photo tips that should help you add some nice shots to your portfolio, and have some fun doing it.

Lynne Eodice  |  Sep 01, 2002




If you enjoy photographing architectural details, chances are that you also love taking pictures of windows. As subjects, windows are plentiful, and they usually represent a particular style or character of the building that they inhabit. Whether it's an elaborate stained glass window of a church, or a...

Dave Howard  |  Sep 01, 2002  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2001

America has long fostered the "bigger is better" philosophy of life. Bigger cars, bigger houses, bigger everything.

The visual equivalent of this attitude is evident in the movies...

Jay McCabe  |  Sep 01, 2002


San Clemente High School
San Clemente, California

Chris Maher and Larry Berman  |  Sep 01, 2002

Anytime Adobe releases a new version of Photoshop there are a host of opinions expressed about this universal graphics and photo image-editing and manipulation program. Since Photoshop affects so many personal and professional lives, we asked the opinion of seven acknowledged Photoshop experts on a...

David B. Brooks  |  Sep 01, 2002  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2001

The Microtek Scanmaker 8700 Pro flat-bed, dual-bed scanner provides the typical 8.5x14" reflective print scanning of a flat-bed plus Emulsion-Direct film scanning via a film drawer that accommodates all film sizes from 35mm through 8x10". For a...

Monte Zucker  |  Sep 01, 2002

I began my column last month by saying, "I really never know what to expect when I'm taking one of my classes on a field trip." Boy, is that the truth! Since I began this column a couple of weeks ago I've been on several more field trips, all of which have continued to...

Robert E. Mayer  |  Sep 01, 2002

Most devoted photographers will have several different types and sizes of light boxes for use in a variety of situations. Possibly the most common use for a smaller, basic light box is in the darkroom to evaluate a negative or transparency prior to...
