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Yellow Calla Lily
Nikon D2X: Nikkor f2.8, 80-200mm @120mm
ISO: 160 1/60 @f8
V. Michael Straus
Taken at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. A large crowd was packed in front of the standout blossom. The crowd made it impossible to get close, so it was good that I had up to 200mm to work with. The single Calla blossom stood out like a yellow light. It was out in front of a background of blue blossoms (flower type unknown), which is the bokeh in this image.
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Yellow Calla Lily
vmstraus | Oct 7, 2014
Views: 120
Dimensions: 1600x1893
Size: 1236kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Bokeh, Shallow Depth of Field