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This one hour later, @ 8:04:51 on Aug 13, 2014, After the rain storm we had a great sunset. with clouds
Canon D7 Camera , 18 to 200 MM lens, @ 18 mm, 1/100 @ 5.6 Bias Valu -0.33 ASA 400, two picture stitch together, I used Photoshop CS-2 for the stitching on the picture , Saved the photos and open them in Photoshop CS-5, I then used Nik Color effect Pro 4, to bring out the clouds, Detail 68%, Contrast 55% , Saturation 9%, shadow 64%, Highlight 11%, between the tow photos an hour passed.
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what a hour will do
Robert K Bailey | Aug 14, 2014
Views: 176
Dimensions: 1400x739
Size: 925kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Panorama