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Red Fox at Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park, Ocean County, NJ. The foxes are pretty used to people at the park from all the visitors and especially those who ignore the rules and feed the foxes. On a good day they will come up fairly close to your car. My husband and I had gone to the park to look for the Snowy Owl that was nesting there but couldn't find the owl so I started taking pictures of the foxes. Was just about to get a shot of one of the foxes watching me from behind a pole and was waiting for him to stick his head out when a car drove up and scared him off. Disappointed and cold (this was January 2015) we started out of the parking area when we noticed this guy on the dunes next to the car. He just stood there like he was posing for us. We rolled down the passenger window and I got several shots from inside the car.
I shot this with my Canon EOS 40D camera with the Canon 100-400mm f/4L lens. Settings: ISO - 800; 1/125 sec; f/8.