Watch a Complete Photoshop Workshop for FREE! (VIDEO)

We regularly feature image-editing tutorials, and they’re among most the most popular videos we share. While the majority of these episodes are quick and concise, typically running 10-20 minutes, what you’ll find below is a complete hour-long Photoshop workshop you can watch for free at home.

Originally a livestream episode of the Photoshop Training Hour Series with popular instructor Jesus Ramirez, this video enables you to learn at your own pace—either at one sitting or in snippets whenever you have time.

The specific focus of this particular workshop is “Photoshop tips & tricks you probably don’t know.” And even if you’re familiar with a few of the techniques, a quick refresher from an expert always helps.

Ramirez demonstrates a variety of hidden tricks he considers particularly useful, and he responds to several really good questions from the livestream audience. The easy-to-follow advice has something for everyone, whether you’re new to Photoshop, have intermediate skills, or consider yourself an expert.

The audience for this extremely helpful workshop includes photographers from across the globe. The topics covered by Ramirez are too numerous to list here, but trust us: you’ll pick up a wealth of powerful editing tricks that will really improve your work.

You’ll also learn how to join future workshops in real time as a member of the audience, and ask questions of your own. But it’s nice to watch the post-event episodes, so you can pause the video and take a few notes before moving on.

There is also a wide variety of shorter tutorials on Ramirez’ YouTube channel, so bookmark the page and check back often. And be sure to look at another tutorial we shared recently, with what one pro says are Photoshop’s best tools for precise color adjustments.