Want to Travel for Free as a Photographer? Here Are 5 Ways You Can Do It (VIDEO)

Photographer Pierre T. Lambert is someone who travels a lot and, sometimes, he gets to travel for free for his work. How does he do it? Well, in the below video he shares five ways you can travel for free as a photographer.

"I remember my first real trip that was completely free. It was back in St. Lucia. I went there, and I really put myself out there in order to make it happen. Nowadays I do a mix of trips, some are free, some are paid, some are actually just on my own and self-funded," Lambert says. "You will see, traveling for free, is not easy. It takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of effort, but if you follow the steps it might help you a lot."

Here are Lambert's five tips to travel for free as a photographer:

#1 Ask Your Clients

#2 Find Local Brands that Need Great Content

#3 Find Someone You Could Shoot For

#4 Reach Out to Hotels

#5 Work with Non-Profits

Check out the video below where Lambert explains it all, while keeping in mind that none of his tips are easy and require almost as much work as simply paying for the travel yourself. Visit Lambert's YouTube channel for more great photography content.