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At 69, I had to groan a bit as I hoisted myself through the window and into this outbuilding on a farm that is now part of Van Damme State Park on the Mendocino Coast in Northern California. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light I was gobsmacked by the metaphors for the terrors of old age in this scene. The wheelchair, of course, for the growing infirmities. The window for memories and regrets, the pitchfork for the grim reaper, and perhaps the greatest horror, the hook, pully, and rope from the ceiling for hopelessness. 1/2 sec @ f/16. Nikon D300, 10 mm focal length, ISO 200.
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Van Damme Metaphors with Wheelchair
Photographer: Tony Mindling
tonymindling | May 7, 2018
Views: 72
Dimensions: 2848x3945
Size: 6363kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Things That Go Bump in the Night