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"Each morning brings news from around the world to my neighbour's doorstep. I take notice of many discoveries mankind has created for an even lazier existence; there is a machine for almost every purpose and the paper is filled with their pictures. The finer print, often without accompanying graphic adornment, tells of thievery, fighting and murder. Mild spirited men in suits cry their fake tears for victims of a struggle they will never know.
What is murder but a happenstance for a man who lives by the sword? What is thievery but a way of life for he who has nothing to call his own? These wars do not affect me. Far away poverty and hunger do not take food out of my mouth. Many would have taken their own lives if they had to live mine. My nights are without sleep as I lie in stupor after drowning in the last sip from a bottle of ill-tasting brew.
Morning tea I cannot taste and burn my mouth upon trying. No starving infant ever burnt their tongue on hot tea on account of being blind drunk. Soldiers are clad in armour of the highest quality, they ride, fare and fly in great machines to protect and kill, but their deaths are mourned as is every weak human's. To have only one such problem seems like bliss compared to my daily dealings.
Starving children? War torn nations? Lucky bastards."
Meet Wolfram von Eschenbach, last living descendant of his namesake, the 13th Century knight-poet Wolfram von Eschenbach, who fought alongside count Herman von Thüringen in the third Crusades. This is the story of a knight forsaken, misplaced in time and space. I took it upon myself to document Wolfram’s ongoing struggle to be accepted by society. His wayward reluctance to adapt leaves him feeling unwanted and insecure. Like any modern day knight he longs for a life of normality, fitting in and maybe, to find love. Over the next years, I will attempt to unveil the man behind the armour. To show everyone there ís a place for Urban Knights in our society.
Head over to www.facebook.com/TheUrbanKnight for more Wolfram's Urban Adventures!