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Taken near Inaha Camp, Botswana. As you can probably guess, the action in this shot has a lot to do with who's going to be fathering the next generation. Impalas live in "clans" of 30-120 females, and for a male in mating season, it tends to be a "winner take all" proposition. That's why these two males are sorting out who's going to stay with the harem and who must move out and look elsewhere.
Canon 1D X, Canon 200-400 f/4.0L zoom lens with 1.4 teleconverter in place; handheld, 560mm, 1 / 400 second, f/5.6, ISO 400.
(2 votes)

Butt! I think it’s time for you to leave.
boywithcamera | Dec 14, 2014
Views: 90
Dimensions: 3860x2164
Size: 1710kb
Filed Under: Picture This: The Decisive Moment