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I'm one of those that has to stop the car on the drive home for yet more shots (one of the many reasons why I travel solo) Usually they don't turn out very well, but that doesn't stop me. As I drove down the 395 between Big Pine and Lone Pine the storm was clearing and a light shaft was beaming down onto the mountains. After watching it for 5 minutes and reminding myself that I was already late, I couldn't take it anymore. I just had to stop for the shot. I converted this to monochrome in Aperture and added a red filter, then did the rest of the adjustments in Lightroom. I also cropped it to focus on the light shaft. Gear: Canon 5D MkIII, 24-105mm lens, tripod. Settings: ISO 100, f16, 1/320 sec
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Sierra Storm
Photographer: Laura Zirino
Laura Zirino | Oct 21, 2015
Views: 81
Dimensions: 900x600
Size: 201kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug Photo of the Day