Shutterbug Photo of the Day: “PNW Jungle” by Kraig Halterman

Our Shutterbug Photo of the Day by Kraig Halterman expertly captures the otherworldly quality of the dense woods.

“The forest seemed even more alive as the sun hit the wet foothills of North Lake Whatcom in Bellingham, WA,” writes Halterman.

See a larger version of the photo in the Shutterbug Photo of the Day gallery here.

If you want to enter Shutterbug Photo of the Day, post an image in the Shutterbug Photo of the Day Gallery and include your real name and some background on the image (how and where it was shot; the story behind the image; gear and settings used etc.) in the description field to qualify.

We will select one Shutterbug Photo of the Day image every month to run as a full-page feature in the magazine.

kuramang's picture

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