Sekonic L-758DR DigitalMaster
Since no two digital cameras, camera and light meter or different types of films are likely to agree on exactly the same exposure, they need to be matched to one standard. Sekonic has recognized the need for this and has created a convenient solution, the L-758DR. With its internal programmable memory, the L-758DR can compensate for variation in exposure accuracy caused by different ISO settings, light sources, measuring methods and even file formats. In addition, the dynamic range of a camera sensor can be stored and displayed on the meter's LCD screen. This is a valuable feature because it presents the photographer with the dynamic range limits of their camera's sensor -- before taking the photograph. In addition, the L-758DR has blinking pre-exposure warning indicators to alert the photographer when a measured highlight or shadow has met or exceeded the dynamic range. Clipping points (user defined dynamic range limits) can also be programmed for additional exposure control.
Up to three different exposure profiles (digital cameras and/or films) can be stored at the same time in the L-758DR and recalled with a quick keystroke. Each exposure profile contains the unique exposure characteristic of a type of film or digital camera sensor. Using the included Sekonic Data Transfer Software and the provided USB cable, exposure profiles can be loaded into the L-758DR through its built-in USB port. Exposure profiles can be acquired through a four-step exposure test using the optional Sekonic test target, or pre-tested exposure profiles can be downloaded from (available 12/06).
Loaded with many new features such as midtone adjustment, built-in wireless triggering with channel/zone continuously displayed, user upgradeable firmware, enhanced memory store/clear mode and 14 different custom settings, the L-758DR DigitalMaster is a new breed of digital exposure control.
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