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I saw this Rough-legged Hawk out in the distance while driving through the bird refuge so I stopped my car to take a better look at it. He immediately flew in my direction and started circling and suddenly I was the one getting checked out. But not for long because another hawk chased it away and then the second hawk circled me to see what the first hawk was circling for. The camera was hand held and the shutter and focus were set for continuous mode. A Nikon D850 camera was used with a Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6 lens. Settings were 1/1000 sec., f/11, 500mm focal length, and ISO 180.
(2 votes)

Rough-legged Hawk
Photographer: Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton | Jan 30, 2018
Views: 90
Dimensions: 1525x1483
Size: 1083kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Birds