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Prospects for the development of renewable energy power stations in Japan
Solar Panels UK Sale: Japan IBM, NTT West Japan, Toyo Engineering and other companies plan to build Japan's largest solar power stations in Setouchi, Okayama City, with a total generating capacity of 250,000 kilowatts, is expected to start in April 2016, the total investment will be more than 650billion yen.
Japanese companies joint will constructe solar power stations in Setouchi City (about 400 hectares), will determine the final building programs in March next year, is expected to commence in June next year.
With the implementation of the Renewable Energy Act of Japan, Japan's major companies are optimistic about the prospects for renewable energy power stations cause, to speed up the pace of construction. In Japan announced that the background nuclear target in 2040, Japan will set off a nationwide wave of large-scale construction of renewable energy power stations.

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