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Never would've said it, until that day I spotted this little critter tiptoeing through wildflowers with morning dew dripping off her chin..."What a pretty possum!" I found her shortly after sunrise on the banks of the Pedernales River in Johnson City TX. When I saw her movement, I froze in place. She kept approaching me until I shot this fairly close-up at 150mm with my Sigma 150-500 DG IS zoom on Canon EOS 7D MarkII. She must have been nearsighted to get so close to me. Manual exposure of 1/1000 sec f/7.1 ISO 3200. Adjustments in Lightroom.
(2 votes)

Pretty Possum
Photographer: Pamela Ward
Pamela Ward | Feb 25, 2018
Views: 99
Dimensions: 2894x3600
Size: 8339kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Amazing Animals