Please comment briefly on your experience with color management and profiling hardware and software.

Please comment briefly on your experience with color management and profiling hardware and software.
I am satisfied with my results and don't want to get involved with further complications.
10% (6 votes)
I have used calibration devices and software and they have definitely improved my results.
53% (31 votes)
I have heard these devices and software can help, but have been hesitant to get involved because I am concerned that they are to
37% (22 votes)
Total votes: 59

L.  Dircks's picture

I use Spider, makes a big difference in my monitor and is easy to use.

Jim Valentino's picture

First I make a print. Then I just set the monitor to correspond to the print already made.

Wayne T.  Fisk's picture

I have used the Spyder/Print Fix system. Now they have a more expensive update. I tried Gretag MAcbeth's Eye one..easier but you always feel that it's only part of the story. You need to use their expensive upgrade,also. Results from both are a wash. I'm a little disenchanted, that for all of the calibration attempts I'm re-treating back to my Apple Cinema defaults...

Ronnie's picture

Most are way to expensive and complicated.

L.  W.  MacIntosh's picture

When a company learns that some of their programs require MBA's to run maybe then the folks that are just starting in this Digital field or have been film user and converting to digital, to make their programs easyer to use.

Donna A.'s picture

I use a Spyder2 to calibrate both my desktop monitor and my laptop. It has enabled me to get accurate color on screen that matches my printouts. As for my laptop, I never knew the screen could look that good.

Stuart Koslov's picture

I have been using Pantone's color spyder for several years. Results are excellent and the software and hardware are easy to use. The most difficult part was understanding my monitors instructions for using its controls.

Bill Mueller's picture

I tried spyder 2 but did not like the results.

Robert MacLeay's picture

They help, but I am concerned with repeatability issues. I have gotten good results, but I have also gotten obviously bad results. There is more to calibration than hanging a gadget in front of your screen and running a software program.

Mark's picture

Some color calibration products are much better than others. Some have given great results and others have not.

Charlie's picture

Also, the cost has made it difficult to take that step not knowing that I could handle it.

Charlie Young's picture

I use Colorvision's Spyder 2 and it works great!

Jeffrey Klug's picture

Ihave used the x-rite pulse system and found it very easy to use and recieve excellant results.

Michael Karbon's picture

Initiallly I was some what dissatisfied with color managment but that turned out to be the result of some poor instructions in some of the steps - now that I am aware of the mistake I was making I am very happy with the results I get. As to the percieved complexity I have not found it to be too overwelming. Bottom line "IT WORKS"

P.  Auld's picture

I have Spyder2 and it was easy to use.

Dayna's picture

I was ready to throw out my printer, then someone on a photography message board linked me to a RGB Calibration site. It worked awesome! fast and allowed me to keep my printer.

J Michael Jordan's picture

I probably will buy one but a new monitor comes first.

Lewis Soroka's picture

I bought a huey, and I am very happy with the results.

John Schwaller's picture

I use Eye-one.

Ronk's picture

The adobe gamma set up in the computer has seemed adequate.

Neil Crick's picture

I have used calibration devices and still can't see the point, at least from a hobbyist's perspective. Just something else to get paranoid about...

Bob's picture

I purchased a Huey unit only to find that MS Word was needed to open the file, as a mac user I would not consider doing that. Strange, rather poor support when I questioned this to Pantone.

Darrell Schneider's picture

This would be a good topic for a continuing series.

Nelson Pagan's picture

Using gretagmcbeth one eye photo on screen and 9600 epson. Our giclee are perfect.