Computer tools are more capable, the image is larger and the keyboard and mouse allow easier navigation.
Please comment briefly on any experiences you might have had with in-camera image processing techniques.
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I'd much rather see manufacturers use bigger sensors to improved dynamic range and noise. Cameras have limited processing power, limited memory and small screens. As a result, a camera will not be able to do as good a job in processing the image as a full computer. In-camera image manipulation may sell more cameras to casual users, but for the rest of us, improving image quality is more important.
I have yet to see an on camera display that allows me to make other than very gross decisions regarding image qualities. I can't see in-camera adjustments being of much use when you can't visually make decisions about what is happening. Of course, the trend will continue, as camera companies seem to seek the lowest common denominator, rather than the highest possible quality.
Unless the camera also has a pointer or mouse for me to be precise which point to retouch! The images on the LCD or monitor just give me confidence that I got the pictures I wanted to and then move for other shots. They're unnecessary features.