The less I have to do with in house editing the more I get to be out doing what I love.
Please briefly comment on your experience with polarizer and ND filters for your DSLR photography.
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I have yet to find software that will duplicate the full range that a glass Polarizer does, and my graduated ND filter is still the best for pulling in skies much of the time. If you get it in camera, there's less to do in PhotoShop!
I can't believe that serious photographers don't use glass filters. The need for filters was made very apparent to me about 6 years ago when I was photographing off Big Sur. It was hazy day and I couldn't see the opposite side of the bay with my naked eye. I looked again a second time through a UV filter and while it wasn't clear, it made it a lot better. No sensor, no film, just eyeball. No software can recover what isn't there and if the scene is lost because of haze, reflection or dynamic range, it's lost and can't be fixed. The fish may have been swimming below the surface, but the glare will forever block it. Filters that I carry, circular polarizer, UV haze, UV/IR cut, graduated ND.
Actually, it's about half & half-I love the Nik filter suite and find they work well enough that I can use them when I haven't carried all my glass filters along. But for certain situations-such as shooting through glass to avoid reflections, a real polarizer can't be beat. I always keep an ND or skylight filter on to protect my lens.
A polarizer can control reflection, such as seeing into water or through a window, in a way that can not be accomplished with software. A star filter produces a more realistic effect than software. I still use graduated ND filters in high contrast situations. I mostly use Cokin P filters.
Polarizer is definately needed to reduce glare coming into the lens. Neutral densities reduce the light or allows longer shutter speeds wich creates effect only they can create. You need several ND 2,4,6 and a circular polizer and it realy nice to have 1 Gradient ND.
I carry circular polarizers. Water, sky, glass reflections and rainbows are just a few examples where "software" can not retrieve lost shot. At Victoria falls and saw a beautiful rainbow in the falls. Didn't have a polarizer and had no way to capture that image. Looking through polarized glasses, rainbow popped out. Suppose some would "paint in" that rainbow, but not me. Polarizers are worth weight in space in my bag.
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I used to carry polarizer and ND filters for my DSLR. I feel it is necessary for a clear picture. I am not comfortable of getting it from software. I always want these to be with my DSLR. I think I have given you the answer you needed. landing page design
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