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Chimera of shadow, light, and paneling. Elf that is the troll of the livingroom.
Nikon D200, 2.8/105 Nikkor with Nikon polarizer, f8, Manfrotto tripod, cable release. Opened in Nikon software, processed with Efex Pro and Perfect Efex for color and vignetting. As a high-school student I saw The Creature of the Black Lagoon at the town movie theater, alone late at night, and ran (did not walk) the six blocks home. This was a way to put that creature and film to rest.
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Phantom of the Green Lagoon
Photographer: Steve Lautermilch
Steve Lautermilch | Jun 26, 2018
Views: 54
Dimensions: 2025x1355
Size: 3965kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Things That Go Bump in the Night