Bringing It All Back Home; The Best Place To Finesse Your Travel Photography Skills? Your Own Backyard
My first overseas trip combining travel and photography came in the summer of 1973, when I was one year out of high school. My uncle was the president of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, and all his nephews got to work on a Merchant Marine ship over one summer in their lives. When it was my turn I worked in the kitchen on the ship and traveled to Scandinavia, England, and Ireland. I'd bought a Minolta SR-T 101, and over that summer I fell in love with travel and with photography. I look back at that experience as the root of who I am today.
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What I remember most vividly, though, is coming home. After three months we came up the Cape Cod Canal, heading for Bourne, Massachusetts. I can remember the feeling I had, standing on deck. I'd been away almost three months, had seen Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, London, and Dublin, but what I was seeing and feeling then was the most beautiful experience of the trip. It's obvious why I felt that way--I was a teen-ager who missed his home and his family. But there was something else, too: I felt that visually there was no place like home. I had 90 days of shooting in what was for me pretty exotic territory, and yet as I was looking at the trees and the water, the sky and the clouds, I saw them in a way I'd never seen them before, even though I was born on Cape Cod.
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So in addition to a love of photography and a love of travel, some other things were born that summer: a love of coming home and an appreciation of the visual beauty of things I often take for granted. Some 32 years later, I have the same love of travel and photography I had back then, and no matter if I'm returning from St. Petersburg, Hong Kong, Beijing, or Tokyo, I've got the same visual appreciation for my own backyard.
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You may find that hard to believe. I go to a lot of exotic locations, so you'd think my own backyard would be no big deal. Well, yes and no. Home doesn't have the same electricity I feel when I get off the plane in an exotic place; it doesn't have that emotional sensation. But it's just as visually stimulating. The photographs here are ones I took on Cape Cod--our home is in Chatham, Massachusetts--and I took them with the same care, attention, and sense of discovery I bring to any photo I take anywhere. (And I took them with the same mixed bag of camera gear I'd use for my travels: Nikon F4 and F100, Canon EOS-1Ds and EOS-1Ds Mark II. I like zooms on the Nikons--the 28-80mm and the 80-200mm, particularly--and primes on the Canons--the 50mm, 85mm, 135mm, and 200mm.)
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